MTB Classes Near Me

Mountain biking is an exhilarating sport that provides a great workout and an opportunity to explore the great outdoors. However, for those new to the sport, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to begin. Consequently, that’s why taking a class, clinic or lesson is a great way to improve your skills and […]
Everything You Need to Know About Bike Stands: A Comprehensive Guide

A bike stand is a device that holds a bicycle upright in a stationary position, allowing for easy maintenance and repair. There are several types of bike stands available, each with their own unique features and benefits. Repair Bike Stands The most common type of stand is the repair stand, which is designed to hold […]
Tips For Shifting Gears On Your Mountain Bike

Shifting gears is a crucial part of cycling and mastering this skill can make your rides smoother, more efficient and more enjoyable. As you pedal uphill, it’s important to shift into an easier gear in order to conserve energy and maintain your balance. This way, you can keep moving at a steady pace while exerting […]
12 Mountain Biking Questions You Were Too Embarrassed to Ask

If you’re new to mountain biking, you may have some questions that you’re hesitant to ask. But, as Mark Twain said, “He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” To help you out, we’ve answered 12 common mountain biking questions that new riders often […]
When To Shift Gears

The goal of having gears is to keep your pedals moving at an even cadence (speed), while each pedal stroke gives you the most bang for your buck. You shift to keep your speed and efficiency on the bike. This brief article will explain when is the right time to shift gears. Uphill If […]
[LISTEN] Podcast with Jeremiah Stone

Ninja Lead Instructor Jeremiah “Scratch” Stone is not only a world-class instructor, but also an expert rider and professional trail builder. Listen as Jeremiah chats with Jeff from the podcast, Mountain Bike Voices. Jeff and Jeremiah will have you LEARNING and LAUGHING as they dive into: Overcoming fear on the bike Why do people […]
3 Things That Will Make You Faster Today

Going fast on your mountain bike isn’t just about pedaling faster – it’s about being smooth! Using only what you have right now — your bike, your mind, and your body — you can unlock secret speed when you’re out riding with your friends, or even on a race course. That’s right, you don’t have […]
11 Tips For Getting Back On The Bike After a Break

Okay, so maybe you’ve been off the bike for a while. Maybe a really loooong while. Maybe you were injured, work got crazy or life just got in the way. It happens. Don’t fret! You can still get back on the horse bike! Before you go riding off into the sunset, take a minute to […]