Secret to Switchbacks – Going Down

This article is going to be it’s all about going DOWN those pesky switchbacks. In case you missed our article on the art of climbing UP a switchback, check it out here! Let’s jump right into the 5 important steps to successfully (and smoothly) navigating a descending switchback. 1. Brake For Speed Setting your speed […]
Secret to Switchbacks – Going Up

Switchbacks are one of those trails features that are really fun when ridden correctly, and really frustrating when done incorrectly. Riding up a switchback takes power, proper technique and a bit of practice. Simply trying to hammer up a switchback without considering your line selection, your gearing or your body position will leave you either […]
Insanity Check: 10 Tricks to Finding Your Trail Sanity

Are you doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Riding the same feature with the same technique and expecting different results is insanity! The next time you find yourself challenged on the trail, take a step back to troubleshoot and change your plan of attack. To help, we’ve outlined 10 considerations […]
Step-By-Step How To: Manual Front Wheel Lift

Flashy AND practical? Yep! The manual is a useful skill for lofting your front wheel over a trail obstacle. Yes, lofting as opposed to lifting. Once you add the manual to your skills toolbox, you’ll start to see the trail completely differently. You’ll be able to effortlessly loft the front end of your bike using your hips instead […]
8 Important MTB Rules of the Trail

Mountain biking is having a big moment right now. New riders have been hitting the trails in droves and we are over the moon that they are discovering the freedom, exhilaration, and connection with nature (and each other!) that mountain biking provides. So, let us start by saying: Welcome to the mountain biking community! Disclaimer: […]
Braking 101: The What, Why and How

Whether you are brand new to mountain biking or you’ve been riding for many years, it’s important that you have a baseline understanding of what your brakes do, why they are important and exactly how to use them. Having a solid braking foundation will allow you to build up to more advanced braking technique, and […]
Armor Up with 5 Types of Protective MTB Gear

By Jeremiah “Scratch” Stone Have you been feeling stronger on the bike, doing your homework, and stepping up your skills? With great skills progression comes great responsibility…to keep yourself intact! So let’s take a moment to do a quick inventory on your protective gear to make sure your equipment and body are progressing with your […]
Scratch’s Top 5 Reasons to Love Your Dropper Post

Dropper posts are easily one of the best bike inventions ever. If you already ride with one (and use it), try riding without one and see how much you miss it. You’ll never take your dropper post for granted again! On the flip side, if you don’t have a dropper post you’re missing out. They […]
The Art Of Conquering Skinnies

Oh, the dreaded skinny. Wait, what is a “skinny”? A skinny is typically referring to a thin or narrow feature you can ride, most often made of wood, either planks or log(s). Skinnies come in all different shapes and sizes! For many riders, the thought of getting those fat mountain bike tires rolling in a […]
4 Ways to Keep MTB In Your Socially Distanced Life

As the world faces drastic lifestyle changes to combat the spread of COVID-19, it can be easy to lose a sense of normalcy. That loss can be incredibly unsettling and challenging. We are here to help! Chances are, if you’ve found yourself on this post, “normal” to you involves bikes in some way, shape or […]