03 Days
11 Hours
19 Mins
05 Secs

march 10th-17th – time remaining

8 Most Common Mistakes: Riding A Drop

drop mistakes - pulling up on the handlebars

Want to learn how to ride a drop? Trying to improve your drop form? Start by reading through last week’s article on “How to ride a drop“. As much as I’d like to think you are now all experts at riding drops after reading the “How to” article, I know that’s likely not the case. […]

How to Ride A Drop: Down/Back Technique

Drops come in all shapes and sizes. Rocks, roots, human built wood features and natural elevation changes all create drops ranging from the size of a curb to the size of a building. When ridden correctly, drops are Fun-with-a-capital-F. However, before you start sending yourself off the biggest drop you can find, it’s important to […]

Steep Transitions: The Roll Down

Do you find yourself walking around a steep rock on the trail thinking, “How the heck do I ride down that?”. Have you had the very unpleasant experience of getting thrown forward while trying to roll down a short steep transition? If you answered yes to either of these, this is the skill for you! […]

Scratch’s Top 5 Reasons to Love Your Dropper Post

Dropper posts are easily one of the best bike inventions ever. If you already ride with one (and use it), try riding without one and see how much you miss it. You’ll never take your dropper post for granted again! On the flip side, if you don’t have a dropper post you’re missing out. They […]

The Art Of Conquering Skinnies

Oh, the dreaded skinny. Wait, what is a “skinny”? A skinny is typically referring to a thin or narrow feature you can ride, most often made of wood, either planks or log(s). Skinnies come in all different shapes and sizes! For many riders, the thought of getting those fat mountain bike tires rolling in a […]

Trail Vision with Scratch Episode 1: Sedona, AZ

I was told years ago that “you can only go as fast as you can see” and that has stuck with me ever since. Today, let’s take it one step further and update that advice to say “you can only go as fast as what you can see”. This, my friends, is trail vision.  Trail […]

6 Moves to Boost Balance & Improve Your Riding

Ninja Instructor and Personal Trainer Bekah Rottenberg recently inspired us to add strength training to our routine so we can reap huge benefits on the bike (check it out here). Since January is all about new year’s resolutions and (for many of us) limited riding opportunities, Bekah’s back to share her favorite 6 moves to boost your balance and […]

5 Tips For Jumping Success From Instructor Scratch

“I learned the hard way so you don’t have to.” Jumping tips from Ninja Instructor Jeremiah “Scratch” Stone. My relationship with jumping bikes started young and blossomed over three decades of boosting every single thing I could find or build. As a kid, I liberated wheelbarrows full of dirt from my Mama’s garden to build […]

5 Tips for Keeping Your Feet on The Pedals While Jumping

Have you ever felt your feet come off the pedals while you’re jumping? Scary, right? Here are the 5 key components to keeping your feet on the pedals and keeping your heart from racing. 1. Technique The most common reason we see feet coming off the pedals is because the rider’s body is coming up […]

5 Common Jumping Mistakes and How To Fix Them

Why does jumping look so easy on youtube and feel oh-so-hard in person?! Jumping takes nearly every mountain biking skill and puts them all together into one beautiful harmony and with so many moving pieces, it’s easy to miss a note. Let’s do some troubleshooting and figure out why your jumping might be a little […]