Handling Uncertainty: On AND Off The Trail
I was recently riding with a group of boys ages 10-12 on a trail they had never ridden before. The three boys are all excellent riders and very comfortable on their home trails. As we were riding, the boys peppered me with questions: How many hills are there? What are the rocks like? Is it […]
10 Strength Exercises You Can Do At Home
Are you ready to start strength training but you don’t have the _____ (time, energy, money) for a gym membership? Fear not! Strength training doesn’t require any fancy equipment. In fact, your own house has everything you need to sneak in a workout. Today we are going to cover 10 strength-based exercises you can do […]
6 Moves to Boost Balance & Improve Your Riding
Ninja Instructor and Personal Trainer Bekah Rottenberg recently inspired us to add strength training to our routine so we can reap huge benefits on the bike (check it out here). Since January is all about new year’s resolutions and (for many of us) limited riding opportunities, Bekah’s back to share her favorite 6 moves to boost your balance and […]
[WATCH] 5 Exercises to Prevent “Knee Cave”
Last month, Ninja Instructor and Personal Trainer Bekah Rottenberg helped us understand how adding strength training to your routine will have you reaping huge benefits on the bike (check it out here). Today Bekah’s giving us the tools to tackle a serious challenge for many riders, one that impacts the most important position in mountain […]
5 Reasons to Add Strength Training to Your Routine
No more excuses! Ninja instructor and personal trainer Bekah Rottenberg helps us understand why every mountain biker should add strength training to their routine RIGHT NOW… and how just 2-3 hours per week will have you reaping huge benefits on the bike. Did somebody say #GAINZ?! Okay, I can hear you mumbling under your breath: […]