Want to train for the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race with experienced race finishers?
Join us for our Leadville 100 MTB Camp June 23-25, 2017!
We’ll teach you the ins and outs of the course, where to rest, where to dig deep, where the aid stations will be, and how to finish this demanding race. These training rides are for the first time Leadville rider or for experienced Leadville riders who want to finish with a faster time and win a bigger belt buckle. Pro Rider, Richard La China, and other experienced coaches will share their lessons learned on this course and give you a toolbox of skills and tips that help prepare you for the big event.
We will stick to a rigid schedule with specific details to help riders prepare for the annual August race. We will start these rides early, both to simulate the actual race start and to complete our ride before the afternoon thunderstorms descend upon the high country.
Riders will need to be prepared for the high country by carrying proper clothing, food, tools and any other items to successfully complete a several hour strenuous, high altitude ride. You will be given a mandatory and recommended list of items when you book this training ride.
Day 1 – Leadville to the Pipeline Aid Station and Back
Our first training ride day is Leadville to Pipeline Aid Station and Back, roughly 56 miles covering the initial sections of the course which wind through Saint Kevin’s climb, Sugarloaf and the Powerline. We will turn around at the Pipeline Aid Station and power up the infamous Powerline climb, back through St. Kevins and finish the ride on the Boulevard back to downtown Leadville.
Day 2 – Twin Lakes Dam to Columbine Mine, then out to Pipeline Aid Station and back to Twin Lakes Dam
We start this day with the hard part first. We park at the Twin Lakes Dam Aid Station location. Ride out the course to the top Columbine Mine Aid Station. Turn around head back to our parking spot. Top off our hydration and then ride the course in it’s return direction to the Pipeline Aid Station. Turn around and back to Twin Lakes. This way we give ourselves the best chance of beating the thunderstorms up at the Columbine Mine turn around and provide a midway refueling point for the days ride. The climbing to almost 13,000 feet is the important part of this one.
Leadville Training Plan is Included with All Camp Options
All camp participants will receive a Leadville specific training plan to help get your fitness on track ($400 value). Leadville training plan is written by Pro Rider, USA Cycling Certified Coach (2x Leadville finisher), Richard La China.
Leadville Training Camp (Next Camp :: June 23-25, 2017)
This is 2 full days riding the entire race course. Space is limited!
[add_eventon_list event_type_3=”77″ number_of_months=”1″ fixed_month=”6″ fixed_year=”2017″ ]