Nicole has been riding mountain bikes since she turned 12 and was given a rigid bike with 26 inch tires for her birthday. She’s been riding mountain bikes, and other bikes, ever since. Most of the time she can be found riding the trails in Maine, but she loves the trails in Oregon, Arizona and the rest of New England as well. She pursued mountain bike instruction after helping out a few friends with their riding and experienced how wonderful it was to assist them progress their skills. She’s worked with both kids and adults. She hopes to see YOU out on the trail!

Home Base
Gorham, Maine
Other Gig
Instructor Certifications
PMBI Level 1
Favorite Type of Terrain or Feature
Smooth, flowy bermed trails with natural features to launch off of, free from leaf cover and ice, which we have a lot of here in New England.
Favorite Trail Snack
Anything with maple syrup in it. Or, just straight up maple syrup.
Favorite Post Ride Food or Drink
A crisp lager with Thai food next to a crackling fire.
Favorite Riding Tip
Find a way to accept your faults in how you ride. They are a part of your riding style. If you’re trying to improve your jump landing or log hop technique, take note of what how you’re going to change it, rather than putting yourself down or with negativity. Have fun and enjoy the ride!
Favorite Riding Partner
My 5-year old daughter Ellie who is riding an 18 inch bike already! She’s not excited about biking, yet.
How did you get into Mountain Biking?
I started mountain biking when I was 12 years old, and my parents purchased a bike for me to explore are camp roads on. The next year I attended mountain bike camp in Vermont, it was a chance to ride with other kids which really helped me like the sport more.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
New Zealand because the are already past the pandemic.
Looking to ride with Nicole? Join her in one of our Maine clinic locations or check her out on IG @Nickellina