We bought our kids balance bikes before they could walk, played bike videos on YouTube instead of cartoons, and moved them up a wheel size way too early because “they’ll grow into it”.

Why? Because as mountain biker parents it’s more than just teaching our kids a sport. We want to share our passion and usher them into a lifestyle that inspires confidence, connects with nature, and builds community, character, and health for their whole lives. Here are 8 tips to encourage you kids to make two wheels a part of their journey.

1. Encourage their strengths

Our daughter is all about the nature and the solitude that biking brings so we always take time to listen to the birds and look for animal tracks. Our son, on the other hand, is the “adrenaline junkie” so every ride needs a new rock to session, jump to hit, or hill to scream down. Whatever your little one enjoys, make that a part of the ride.

2. Comfort

Many bike brands offer kids gear that makes for a much more enjoyable ride. After getting padded bike shorts, gloves, and jerseys, our kids feel equipped for the adventure and they want to ride longer. Check out Zoic’s Boy’s Ether Jr or Girl’s Rippette shorts with a padded liner.

3.  Find community

Kids and adults feel the same way when it comes to riding with others. When you create a play date with friends on the trail there is joy in the shared experience. Bonus: kids complain less when they’re with other kids! Utilize your local mountain bike chapters, BMX tracks or meet-ups if you’re looking for friends to ride with. Many local race series have kids’ races before the main event – a great way to connect kids with other shredders.

4.  Create ownership

Teach your child to be responsible for their own bike and gear. Before a ride have them check the air in their tires and add lube to the chain. After a ride, wash your bike alongside them and teach them about the different components. When a kid is knowledgeable and takes ownership of their gear it creates confidence and buy in.

5. Consistency is key

Kids love routine and they want to know what to expect. It can be a temporal consistency like “every Friday we ride as a family to the local pizza joint.” It could also be a consistent ritual that your child loves like eating the same special trail snack, a family chant or listening to the same song before each ride. For my squad, there’s a grove of trees where we play hide and seek every time we are on that trail. The kids get so excited and look forward to that part of the ride every time.

6. Cross training

You’ve heard it before: “it’s not when you fall, but how you fall.” Get them involved in other activities that encourage resilience and teach them that they can fall and keep on going. Activities that build balance and body awareness are great crossovers for the bike; tumbling, snowboarding, break dancing. We knew we couldn’t stop our son from pushing the limits of his body, but after the third broken bone by age of five we thought he needed to start falling the right way so… hello Parkour!

7. Snacks, snacks, and more snacks

Is there anything else to say….?

8. Teach them the right way

Stop bad habits before they start and teach them about staying safe and in control on their bike. Ninja now offers Kids Clinics in select locations for ages 8-12 (check out the schedule here). Through games, drills and trail riding, your kid will leave with a new level of confidence on their bike and more tools in their riding toolbox.

Don’t have a Kids Clinic in your area yet? Join us for a skills clinic of your own! We’ll show you the basics that all riders should have and you can pass them on to your mini-me.

Some days, it’s extra hard to give up your own adventure to ride with the little ones in your life, but it’s an investment worth making. Family ride by family ride, you’re instilling the love of dirt beneath the wheels and the yearning for adventure. And, just maybe, when we aren’t cool anymore, they’ll actually keep taking us out to play with them.

3 Responses

  1. #10 – Be prepared to get your butt whipped by the little shredders you have created. They learn quickly, recover faster and seem to have endless energy.

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